On Sunday, I watched "Meet the Press" and watched as Herman Cain said that communities should be able to ban mosques because believing in Islam means the person believes in Sharia law. As such, using his own words, he said there was a combination of religious values, Islam, and political values, Sharia law, thus there was no religious protection of Islam. He said you can't separate the two because they don't separate church and state.
1. There is nothing in the Constitution about separation of church and state. What IS in the Constitution is banning the federal government from establishing (declaring) a national religion.
2. If someone does something under Sharia law that violates local or federal law, the local or federal law is what is followed. For example, if a man has a teenage girl who is Americanized, and she "gives up the cookies" to a boy and her father finds out and kills her, no matter what he states about Sharia law, he is going to be charged and tried for murder.
3. The freedom of religion is protected in the United States. Christians in the U.S. are correct when we say it appears Christians are the only religious believers whose religious ideas are under attack, but Cain is going against the Constitution, which in our county, reigns supreme for LAW.
The more Herman Cain speaks, the more he seems to be under and misinformed.
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