Simply put, the congress-criters start the session, pass so many laws that I bet you can cross the street, eat a nice meal, fart afterwards, come back to where you started, and you have broken a number of federal laws.
The congress-criters, in their bids to maintain power, send pork the way of their supporters, and create programs that need to be funded, for life because there is rarely, if ever, a sunset provision. The costs of these things builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where taxes are going to have to be raised, and there is ALWAYS a point where those who get hit by the taxes, start to do things to avoid them. Even the "every day man", who can, itemizes his income tax return to get more money back/pay less taxes.
Add that to the fact that the Social Security tax income limit is going to have to be removed, and then they are going to have to raise the minimum age, AGAIN, and probably means test it, so that it doesn't go bankrupt, and the mutual fund 401(K) market has to go boom with the continued sale of stocks for retirees, and you have yourself a coming generational war that is coming that will not be pretty.
I'm really not gloating. I just hope you smart people take off the ideological rose colored glasses and look at the reality of the situation.
We're being screwed in our backsides without benefit of AstroGlide.
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