On N. Korea do a missile test and people saying the U.S. should have not allowed it: You mean like they stopped China or Russia?
On the Obama administration's foreign policy: Umm... It seems to me that The President is getting pimp smacked all over the world.
On the CBC going to Cuba and giving praise: The CBC, collectively, are idiots and don't know how to use the political power for the gain of the people they are elected to represent. But on the other hand, only fools support the current Cuba policy while supporting engagement with China.
On the Obama administration so far: D.S. ain't feelin' it. Not, most of it. Nope. Nope. Nope.
On pirates: The U.S. population seemed to ignore most of what these people were doing until they got a U.S. flagged ship. Me? I think then, and I think know, that if the companies won't defend their vessels, then if countries get involved, even if it means the loss of life of the crew members, they need to blasts the pirates to let them know what will not be accepted.
Then again, why aren't the companies hiring mercenaries?
[ UPDATE ] The Navy Seals kick butt, kill 2, and get the hostage back!!!
On buying a foreclosed home: I accounted for costs getting out of the current home but not fully the costs associated with fixing up the new home to move in. But we got a GREAT deal.
On foreclosures: I'll say this again, look out for the Alt-A loan foreclosures, happening to areas near you real soon.
On The Preakness: This will be a subject of a longer post, but Gov. O'Malley wants to use imminent domain to "protect" The Preakness from the fallout of Magna Entertainment's bankruptcy filing.
The state can't run it's own affairs. The state has damaged Magna Entertainment's ability to get money for the rights to The Preakness and the horse tracks in Maryland because land-grab-O'Malley has just made Pimlico and the Preakness worthless. Who is going to purchase something the government just proclaimed rights to by imminent domain? And since the ONE DAY EVENT of The Preakness actually makes horse racing in Maryland a positive cash flow venture, O'Malley just killed horse racing in Maryland.
Why? Why are there no public Black conservatives speaking up and out on recent police misconduct? (That's a rhetorical quesiton)
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