Random thoughts:
- I have some sympathy for people who took out subprime loans and are now facing losing their homes. But it appears to me that people took out loans for homes they should have known they couldn't afford. In cases where people were tricked, and there were some cases, people's homes should not be taken. But, here is something that is troubling. If this is accurate, then people brought it upon themselves.
- Mrs. D.S. and I went to the Karibu bookstore in Bowie on Saturday. For all intents and purposes, that store is already closed. There are few books left that anyone would want to buy.
- On global warming:
- There were others and now I can't remember them.
Point one: We've known for 20 years about the earth's moderate, natural 1,500-year climate cycle, which we discovered in the Greenland and Antarctic ice cores. The ice shows seven previous global warmings in the past 12,000 years. Two of these—8,000 years ago and 5,000 years ago—were, for many centuries, substantially warmer than today. The Greenland and Antarctic ice caps didn't melt. Point two: This can't be global warming. 1) The Arctic was also warm in the 1920s; the Russians say it happens every 70 years or so. 2) The Antarctic Ice is now at a modern high. The Antarctic has been cooling since the 1960s, according to Peter Doran's 2002 paper in Nature. Thanks to warming's additional snowfall, the East Antarctic ice cap is currently gaining about 45 billion tons of ice per year. Neels Reeh of the University of Denmark says that another 1 degree C of warming would melt enough Greenland ice to raise sea levels perhaps half an inch per year—but added ice in the Antarctic would lower sea level almost that much. The net increase has been six inches per century, and it isn't expected to change.
There is more. Read it all.
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