I believe this poll is indicative of our nation's corresponding moral freefall during that same time period. As our nation has become increasingly secular – with many lawmakers, judges and leaders demanding this secular conversion – we have seen corresponding rises in crime, corruption, promiscuity, unwed pregnancy, abortion and a host of other scars on our national fabric.
What does this mean?
Sadly, I believe it means the church has failed, in many ways, to provide answers to our nation. We have too often expressed disfavor with the growing secular tide, but have habitually done little to affect the destructive transformation of our society.
People have said the out of wedlock birth rate indicates the Black church has failed. I have "countered" by saying out of wedlock birth is not a sin, the sin is fornication. I then follow it up by stating around 70% of whites have premarital sex before they are 21. If that is the case, then it can be said the "white church" has failed. At that point, I'm normally said to be in denial. Well, Jonathan Falwell backs me up.
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