As I understand it, a conflict of interest exists when a party gets to stand in judgement of something of which they, or their interests, may benefit.
For example, it would be a conflict of interest if I recommend software for a task when I have stock in that software or may have helped to write that software.
With that in mind, someone please tell me why this is not a MAJOR situation of conflict in interest?
Microsoft Launches Security for Windows
Security software makers, the 800-pound gorilla has landed. Microsoft Corp. was to announce Wednesday that it is releasing software that aims to better protect people who use its Windows operating system from Internet attacks.
The move pits the world's largest software maker head-to-head with longtime business partners Symantec Corp., McAfee Inc. and others.
Windows Live OneCare, which will protect up to three computers for $49.95 per year, marks the latest step in Microsoft's effort over the years to make its operating system less vulnerable to crippling Internet attacks.
Windows, which runs on the vast majority of personal computers, has been a near-constant target of worms, viruses and other attacks, hurting countless users and forcing Microsoft to invest heavily in patching vulnerabilities and improving flaws.
You cannot tell me that Micro$oft will do all that it can to "lock down" Window$, thu$ potentially $horting potential revenue $tream to their new project, Window$ Live OneCare.
OH, you can tell me, but I ju$t will not believe it.
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