The CBM CARES ® National Mentoring Initiative is a program that provides middle school boys with responsible and caring adult male mentors. Created in response to the high dropout rate among African American males, as well as persistent truancy and low academic achievement, the school-based effort offers one-to-one and group mentoring to boys enrolled in public and charter schools across the country.
MIssion & Vision
We, the members of the National Organization of Concerned Black Men, Inc., (CBM) have committed ourselves in support of the social, emotional, academic and psychological development of African American youth. We offer ourselves as role models and pledge to help our children aspire to lofty goals and expectations. We pledge to protect, instruct, nurture and discipline —to trust, share, honor, and above all — to be there when needed. We will teach our youth that men and women build institutions and do not engage in self-destructive behavior. We will show our Nation’s youth how to direct their energies to positive activities of benefit to all, and remind them that respect for self and others is expected of men and women of distinction. We will provide community leadership and encourage this society to place our children’s needs first. In caring for our youth, we take our responsibility seriously, and will remember that the future of our children depends on our success. Our motto is “… Caring For Our Youth.”®